About Us
Welcome to Coal City Early Childhood Center -
Home of the Coalers!
We are proud to be the first experience for students in Coal City Unit District #1. The ECC is home to 400+ Preschool-1st grade students. The ECC has:
- 6 AM Preschool Sections
- 6 PM Preschool Sections
- 7 Kindergarten Sections
- 7 1st Grade Sections
- Special Education Programs/Classrooms
Students experience a full day of fun! Kindergarten and 1st grade students attend PE each day, Art once a week, Music twice a week and Library once a week. Each day students have time to play outside on our playgrounds before or after lunch. Preschool students play outside each day as well.
The staff at the ECC are second to none! Our staff includes a full-time social worker, full time speech pathologists, full-time occupational therapists and a school psychologist (three days a week). The grade level teachers are eager to create a most awesome environment for the students' first school experience. We are privileged to have a full staff of paraprofessionals willing to do anything to support the needs of students in the building.
Please follow the ECC Facebook Page
Join the Class Dojo of your student(s) teacher
Bookmark the ECC Webpage and download the CCU1 app
Happy 2024-2025 School Year!
We are glad you are here!