New year, renewed promises


The students in Mrs. Wren & Mis Jackman’s co-taught Kindergarten class rang in the new year last week. “We start each day with a morning meeting, so this week’s greeting & activity focused around our new year celebration. Not only did we greet each other by telling everyone ‘Happy New Year,’ but we focused on refreshing our memories on our classroom expectations and renewed some classroom promises to each other,” Mrs. Wren said. 


At the beginning of the year, the students made promises to each other to help everyone in the room do their very best learning, so they spent time each morning last week focusing on what that looks like and sounds like inside the classroom. They practiced sorting cards with ideas that were either classroom problems or classroom promises. Students were amazing at remembering what the classroom expectations were, and they are very excited to continue helping their friends do their best learning for the rest of the year.


To follow up the morning meeting and social/emotional conversation, students decided to choose one promise that they will work on for the rest of the school year to practice to do the best they can for the rest of Kindergarten. Students then drew pictures to show their promise, and they wrote sentences using their writing skills that they practiced for the first half of the school year to describe their picture and promise to themselves and classmates.


“We are so excited to work together to continue growing both academically and socially/emotionally for the rest of the school year,” Mrs. Wren said.